I have set a global guide for making lentils For everything, from heartless soups to fragrant salads. Learn how to adjust the preparation time for different varieties, plus three ways to cook them, on the stove, in the pressure saucepan (instant basket) and slow cooker.

The cooking lentils is easy. My simple method of preparation of the lens works with all varieties (you need to customize the preparation time, which I have shown in our recipe below). Also, you will find how to prepare them on the stove (my favorite method) using an instant basket and slow cooker.
To cook dried lentils, wash them, add in a boiler and cover several inches of water (or broth). Then cook until tender, dry and use your favorite lentil recipes. Depending on the variety, you look at 15 to 45 minutes. For more basic classes of cooking, see our articles How to make a peas or How to make black beansA number
The main components
Below is our lentil recipe with all varieties divided here. I have described in detail every variety so that you can choose what is best for you.
Brown lentils. Brown lenses are the most popular species. Bigger and enjoyable than other varieties, they have a comprehensive taste. They become quite soft when cooked, and if it is cooked long enough, somewhere will break. This makes them perfect for heartfelt soups, steamed soups, drops and desirable with any recipe with almost mushroom tissue. This lens is ideal for the soups like us Lemon Crumpling Lentil soupA number
- Cook time. 20 to 30 minutes
- When preparing texture. Soft, perfect for soups, drops and distribution
Green lentils or French lentils (Lentilles du Puy). Unlike the brown lentils, the French lentils (sometimes called Lentilles du Puy) for their own thick skin after cooking. This makes them ideal for salads and dishes where you want lentils to stay intact. They take a little longer to cook than a brown lentil. Green lentils is a great choice for dishes like us Vegan meatballsA number
- Cook time. 25 to 35 minutes
- When preparing texture. Strong and intact, perfect salads and side dishes
Red lentils. Red lentils that are often cooked light orange when cooked, light, almost fragrant aroma. They are loved because of their quick cooking time. They are usually used in Indian dishes like Daal, but can also be used as a substitute for brown or green lentils. Like brown and green lentils, the red lentils quickly decomposes quickly and becomes very soft, making them perfect for soups, swords, daal and distribution.
- Cook time. 15 to 20 minutes
- When preparing texture. Soft, perfect for soups, dalals, dalals and distribution
Black Beluga lentils. Black Beluga lens is smaller than other varieties and have a rich taste. Prepare them for about 30 minutes for tight tissue, ideal for salads and dishes where you want them to keep their shape. For a softer tissue suitable for soups, drops and distribution, cook them for 45 minutes or more.
- Cook time: 30 minutes for firms 45+ minutes soft
- When preparing texture. Firm or soft, depending on the time of cooking

How to make lentils perfect
We love lentils here. They are from our pantry heroes, making fast and easily. Cook Times is different from the type of lentils, so be sure to check the recipe for the recommended preparation time. I also advise you from time to time to test them to see how they progress.
Makes 2: cups
You will need
1 cup (200 g) lentils
Water or broth, try chicken broth or Veggie broth
Salt, optional
Bay leaf as desired
Spring thyme, optional
Crushed garlic cloves, optional
- Cooking lentils on the stove
1Greet the lentils with cool water, then arrange quickly through them to remove any debris.
2Turn on the lentil in the middle saucepan and cover with water (or broth) in two inches. If you use water or low sodium broth, season with water 1/2 teaspoon of fine sea salt. For extra taste, add a bale leaf, a source of thyme or gently smashed garlic on the liquid.
BookletBring the water to a boil, then lower the heat to be low-cooked.
ThreeCook, revealed until the lentils are tender. Check the lentils from time to time for tissue because they can quickly go from tender to mushrooms (if not too soft lentils or spreads). Suggested cooks. For 20 to 30 minutes, for a brown or green lentils for 15 to 35 minutes for 15 to 20 minutes for red lentils, and for 30 to 45 minutes for the black Belgian lentils.
5Once the lentils are tender, dry the rest of the liquid.
- How to make lentils in pressure boiler
1Combine 1 cup washable lentils and 2 cups of liquid (water or broth), optional pyramids and salt (1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon). Seal the lid and cook for 6 to 10 minutes (I’m closer 6 minutes), then let us make the news naturally release naturally. If you open the lid, the lentil needs to make a little more, use the sauté function and cook until the lentils are tender.
- How to make lentils in a slow pot
11 cup washed lentils add slow cooker and cover two to three inches (water or broth) with liquid. Add an optional scent and salt (1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of salt). Close the lid and cook a high 2 hours or low 4 hours. Check lentils every time at once to see how they progress. Depending on the type of lentils you made, you may need a little less time than the suggested.
Adam and Junny tips
- Storage: The cooked lentils must be stored in an airtight container and refrigerated or frozen. Freeze up to 5 days and freeze up to 3 months.
- Exchange water for the broth. Changing the water of vegetables or chicken broth is caused by the lentils richer, spicy taste.
- Optional fragrance. Add fresh or dried herbs directly to cook liquid. Bay leaves (1 or 2), thyme and rosemary complement the lentils beautiful. I like throwing a crushed garlic clove or throwing in a small onion in half, as I do from black bean scratch.
- Lentil service. After cooking and leakage, throw the lentil with olive oil, fresh herbs and fresh lemon juice. Or try one of our delicious Salad dressesFor example, Honey to wear mustardTo be in style Italian sauceor Balsamic VinaigretteA number
- The food facts below are evaluated.
Nutrition by service
The amount of serving
1/2 cup
Total fat
0.4 g
Saturated fat
0.1 g
0 mg
234.9 mg
24.3 g
Dietary fiber
4.1 g
General sugar
0.8 g
9.5 g